
  • andrea rosanesse

    Andrea Rossanese

    Chair, Expedition and Wilderness Medicine

Steering Council

  • Dr. Jenny Visser, BSc MBChB MTrav Med FRNZCGPs
  • Howard Backer MD, MPH
  • Dr. Max Winkler
  • Dr. Jim Bond, FFTM RCPS(Glasg), FISTM
  • Dr. Doug Randell


  • Provide a professional forum for ISTM Members interested in expedition and wilderness medicine
  • Develop programs and sessions to educate travel medicine practitioners on specific issues regarding expedition and wilderness medicine
  • Foster the development of recommendations on expedition and wilderness medicine within travel medicine
  • Develop and maintain an international body of knowledge in expedition and wilderness medicine
  • Promote the importance of travel-related issues for those working in expedition and wilderness medicine
  • Advance the science of expedition and wilderness medicine
  • Review and maintain the legal parameters within which expedition and wilderness medicine is practiced

If you are interested in joining this group and helping develop the outlined objectives, please login and join.

Wilderness Medical Society Clinical Practice Guidelines