
JTM Awards

Journal of Travel Medicine Manuscripts Awards

The Journal of Travel Medicine is dedicated to disseminating cutting-edge research, consensus papers, policy papers, and expert reviews at the intersection of travel medicine and various disciplines.

The journal actively seeks manuscripts related to migration health, mass gatherings, including sporting events and pilgrimages, as well as adventure and extreme travel. Additionally, it publishes papers on risk mapping, epidemiology, and modeling, along with policies pertaining to the international spread of infectious diseases. The Journal of Travel Medicine provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and advancements in the diverse and dynamic field of travel medicine.

To acknowledge these contributions awards are presented in four categories: Original Articles, Review Articles, Perspective Articles and Clinical Pearls.

To submit a manuscript, please send your manuscripts to: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jtm (Login is required)

To view instructions for authors please visit https://academic.oup.com/jtm/pages/general_instructions

Learn more about the Journal of Travel Medicine Editorial Board.