
  • tm jenny sisson

    Jenny Sisson

    Chair, Travel for Work

Steering Council

  • Ian Cheng, Australia
  • Doug Randell, Australia
  • Androula Pavli, Greece


The Travel for Work Interest Group aims to establish a ‘Best Practice for Travel for Work Medical Guidelines’ to assist Travel Health and Occupational Medicine Practitioners consult with corporate employers and organizations to keep their employees and members safe, healthy, and productive while travelling abroad and upon their return. The goal of this group is not to establish occupational health specific guidelines, requirements or standards, as these already exist within a country or industry.

The goal of this group is to, through inter-collegial consultation within the ISTM forum, provide international best practice guidelines for sending employees abroad focusing on employer duty of care, destination specific disease risk mitigation, safety issues and access to adequate medical care.

The types of travelers targeted in this group include, but is not limited to:

  • Corporate/executive frequent travelers on multiple short trips (< 7 days) staying in 5 star hotels
  • Workers sent on labor-intensive projects (< 1month)
  • Those working on labor-intensive projects longer term, fly in and fly out on regular cycles
  • Expatriates/long term assignments (months to years)

This group will assess:

  • Employer duty of care and considerations of variations between regions
  • Pre-travel assessment, including screening/fit for travel examinations, vaccine and malaria recommendations, and general travel health counselling
  • Injury and illness abroad


  • Pre-travel preparation of travelers to assist employers meet Duty of Care
  • Establish recommendations for “fit for travel for work”/screening examinations for international occupational travel including accompanying employee dependents.
  • Establish effective means to disseminate information and guidelines to employers and other organizations that send employees or members abroad.