
  • tm sarah mcguiness

    Sarah McGuinness

    Chair, Digital Communications Committee

Steering Council

  • Ludovico Cobuccio, Switzerland
  • Jane Chiodini, United Kingdom
  • Anny Huang, United Kingdom
  • Sarah Kohl, United States of America
  • Deborah Mills, Australia
  • Morgan Moffat, Canada
  • Dipti Patel, United Kingdom
  • Jakrapun Pupaibool, United States of America
  • Natalia Rodriguez Valero, Spain


The ISTM Executive Board created this new ISTM Standing Committee in September of 2017 to promote use of digital information and communication technology in research and in communication with our members, travellers and other health professionals. The Charter of the ISTM Digital Communications Committee is to:

  • Provide expertise to professional education, communication, and publication committees in order to develop digital communication tools for travellers and practitioners
  • Define the needs, desirables and utility of digital communications for ISTM members
  • Provide ongoing guidance regarding requirements of a mobile app and design of the website
  • Expand social media outreach to potential members and lay people