
  • catherine ebelke

    Catherine Ebelke

    Co-Chair Student Travel Abroad
    United States of America

  • julie richards photo

    Julie Richards

    Co-Chair, Student Travel Abroad
    United States of America

Steering Council

  • Jenny Kind, United States of America
  • Robin Maestripieri, United States of America
  • Ken McClain, United States of America
  • Richard Moody, United States of America
  • Anamaria Muresan, Canada
  • Mark Newell, Australia
  • Despoina Pavlopoulou, Greece
  • Gail Rosselot, United States of America

Charter, Purpose & History

  • Raise awareness among those who care for student travelers of the unique issues that impact this group
  • Develop evidence based good practice in the care of students who travel before, during, and after travel, and help develop tools to reduce student travel risk
  • Promote research by describing the unique needs of the student traveler
  • Promote educational and research initiatives to improve the health of student travelers
  • Work closely with other ISTM Committees and Professional and Interest groups to promote the health of student

Students who travel for education, community service, pleasure or employment are a rapidly expanding population for travel medicine providers. Historically this population has been comprised of younger adults, but now we see ever increasing numbers of students of every age traveling internationally. Medical students in their 30s going to Asia, second career nursing students in their late 40s volunteering in Central America, Fulbright scholars in their late 20s heading to Africa, pre-teens attending camps in South America, as well as retirees signing on to lifelong learning programs on every continent. Increasingly, institutions of higher learning are requiring students to spend at least some of their time studying abroad. At the same time, younger students are spending summers engaged in international, rather than domestic enrichment programs.

Student travelers are more broadly defined than ever before and physicians, Physician Assistants, nurses, and pharmacists care for these travelers in a variety of settings for pre- and post-travel. Program organizers, teachers, and tour operators also have a strong interest in the travel health needs of this population. This group invites ISTM members who have an interest in student travel to join and help us identify priorities and activities. We welcome all health professionals into this multi-disciplinary special interest group as well as those with qualifications or special experience in student health.

In May 2015, the ISTM Executive Board voted to approve the formation of the Student Travel Abroad Group (STA) with the goal to Raise awareness among those who care for student travelers of the unique issues that impact this group.


  • Promote educational and research initiatives to improve the health of student travelers by identifying the unique needs of this population
  • Develop evidence-based practice recommendations for students who travel
  • Design tools to reduce student travel risk

Publication Announcement!

We are very pleased to announce that the article “Travel Health-Related Preparation Practices of Institutions of Higher Education and Occurrence of Health-Related Events Among Undergraduate Students Studying Abroad, 2018–2021” is now available for your review: . Please also note that the article has a very rich set of appendices with all the study details (including forms) in case anyone is interested in considering replicating the study.

Please contact Julie or Catherine with any questions or comments.

With many thanks to Kristina Angelo and Sarah Kohl for all of their work on this research, and to Kristina for great efforts in bringing it to successful publication!