
  • macconnell photo

    Maureen MacConnell

    Chair, Psychological Health of Travelers

  • peter felkai

    Peter Felkai

    Co-Chair, Psychological Health of Travelers

Council Members

  • Tullia Marcolongo, South Africa, Immediate Past Chair
  • Ross Tannebaum, United States of America
  • Thomas Valk, United States of America
  • Joyce Ighedosa, United States of America


  • Raise awareness among those who care for travellers of the psychological issues connected with travel and the importance of considering psychological health at all stages in the patient journey.
  • Mainstream this key aspect of health into standard travel medicine practice.
  • Develop evidence based good practice in the psychological health care of travellers, before, during, and after travel and help develop tools for identifying those most at risk

Future Activities

As the group is just being chartered, we hope to explore and identify the most valued activities with those interested in the psychological health of travellers. We have agreed to address the mental health issues of all types of travellers or migrants, though issues involving longer-term travellers may well form an important area for discussion.

We hope to quickly begin to identify topics for future ISTM meetings, and provide the members of this group with opportunities to share their concerns and knowledge through networking opportunities.