
  • gail profile picture

    Gail Rosselot

    Chair, Continuing Professional Development Committee
    United States of America


  • Masatoki Adachi, Japan
  • Nelson Ivan Agudelo Higuita, United States of America
  • Richard Dawood, United Kingdom
  • Jeffery Goad, United States of America
  • Karl Hess, United States of America
  • Androula Pavli, Greece
  • Tara Lombardo, Canada
  • Kenneth Dardick, Examination Committee Liaison, United States of America


  • Design the new ISTM Travel Medicine Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program structured around a 10-year cycle of professional education, study and involvement in the field of travel medicine.
  • Oversee the implementation of the new CPD Program ensuring the CTH® credential recognizes and rewards active and ongoing professional development.
  • Manage the processes to recognize the differences between the time-limited CTH® credential and the prior lifelong credential.
  • Liaise with the Examination Committee and the Professional Education Committee [ISTM] and other appropriate groups and organizations internationally on activities.

More information on the new ISTM Travel Medicine Continuing Professional Development Program can be found here.