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CISTM19 Theme:

“Expanding the Horizons of Travel Medicine”

11-15 May, 2025
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America

Welcome to the CISTM19

CISTM19 ISTM President

nuig ger flaherty photograph by aengus mcmahon

Gerard Flaherty, Ireland


eric caumes

Eric Caumes, France


susan mclellan

Susan McLellan, United States


The ISTM greatly appreciates the contributions of time and expertise provided by the following people to the 19th Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine.

CISTM19: Expanding the Horizons of Travel Medicine

Scientific Program Committee

Chair:Eric Caumes, France
Co-Chair:Colleen Lau, Australia
Associate Chairs:Kristina Angelo, United States of America
Miguel Cabada, United States of America and Peru
Watcharapong Piyaphanee, Thailand
SPC Committee Members:Alfonso Rodriguez Morales, Colombia
Androula Pavli, Greece
Bhawana Amatya, Nepal
Carsten Schade-Larsen, Denmark
Candance McAlester, United States
Charles Tarimo, Tanzania
Claire Wong, New Zealand
David Hamer, United States
Deborah Mills, Australia
Derek Evans, United Kingdom
Eric Halsey, United States
Eyal Leshem, Israel
Francesca Norman, Spain
Jan Fehr, Switzerland
Jasper Chan, Hong Kong
Karin Leder, Australia
Luis Furuya-Kanamori, Australia
Made Wijaya, Indonesia
Marc Shaw, New Zealand
Martin Haditsch, Austria
Melinda Tanabe, United States
Naomi Aronson, United States
Olivier Aoun, France
Oula Itani, France
Peter Felkai, Hungary
Ralph Huits, The Netherlands
Richard Dawood, United Kingdom
Sophie Schneitler, Germany
Stefan Hagmann, United States
Stephen Vaughan, Canada
Sue Ann McDevitt, United States
Terezinha Marta Castineiras, Brazil
Vanessa Field, United Kingdom

CISTM19 Local Organizing Committee

Chair:Susan McLellan, United States of America
Co-Chair:James Diaz, United States of America
Members:Charlie Ericsson, United States of America
Dahlene Fusco, United States of America
Obi Nnedu, United States of America
John Schieffelin, United States of America
Margarita (Maggie) Silio, United States of America
Crystal Zheng, United States of America
Phyllis Kozarsky, United States of America
Jeffrey Percak, United States of America
Nicholas Van Sickels, United Kingdom

Plenary Sessions

Monday, 22 May 2023

Climate Change and Health – Our Future 

  • Health and Health Systems – Kristie Ebi, United States of America
  • Emerging Infectious Disesases – Jan Semenza, Sweden 

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

COVID-19 and International Travelers 

  • Non-pharmaceutical Preventive Measures – Ben Cowling, China
  • RVaccines and Treatment – Barbra Blair, United States of America 

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Travel-Associated Mortality – A Dead End 

  • Causes of Death in Travelers – Stephen Hargarten, United States of America
  • Homicide, Road Accidents, and Drowning – Richard Franklin, Australia

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Antimicrobial Resistance – An Increasing Global Threat 

  • Gram Negative Infections in Travelers – Anu Kantele, Finland
  • Gram Positive Infections in Travelers – Philipp Zanger, Germany


COVID-19 Spread through Travel and Impact on Migrants

  • Global Spread through Travel – Isaac Bogoch, Canada
  • Response of Cruise Industry – Michael Callahan, United States of America
  • Impact on Migrant Health – Francesco Castelli, Italy 

Travel Medicine – The African Perspective 

  • View from West Africa – Kenny Prince-Agbodjan, Senegal
  • View from Southern Africa – Simbarashe Makuni, Zimbabwe 
  • View from East Africa – Charles Tarimo, Tanzania 
  • View from North Africa – Walaa Shabana, Egypt

Clinical Spectrum of Leishmaniasis: A Global Overview

  • Eurasia – Mark Bailey, United Kingdom 
  • Middle East and Africa – Peter Melby, United States of America 
  • Latin America – Andrea Boggild, Canada 

Febrile Illness in South America

  • Malaria – Andre Siqueira, Brazil
  • Emerging Viral Infections – Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales, Colombia
  • Yellow Fever – Esper Georges Kallas, Brazil 

Human Trafficking

  • Recognizing Victims – Doro Winkler, Switzerland
  • Unaccompanied Children and Adolescents – Paul Wise, United States of America
  • Implications for Travel Medicine Providers – Ajwang Warria, Canada

Improving the Health of Migrants and Refugees

  • Infectious Disease Screening – Christina Greenaway, Canada
  • “Salud Entre Culturas” a model of health care provision in Madrid – Rogelio Lopez Velez, Spain
  • Vaccination Strategies in Recent Migrants and Refugees – Alexander Klosovsky, Switzerland 

Mass Gatherings in a Globalized World – COVID-19 and Beyond

  • Mass Pilgrimages (Kumbh Mela) – Santanu Chatterjee, India 
  • Hajj and Umrah – Ziad Memish, Saudi Arabia
  • Major Sporting Events – Jan Fehr, Switzerland

Malaria Update

  • Global Epidemiology – Guido Calleri, Italy
  • Travellers’ Malaria Prevention – Anne McCarthy, Canada
  • Vaccines – Meta Roestenberg, The Netherlands

International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers IAMAT Sponsored Mental Health in Travelers 

  • Pre-Travel Assessment – Maureen MacConnell, United States of America
  • Management During Travel – Yeshashwork Kibour, Morocco

Bugs, Burns and Bites

  • Anti-Vector Measures – Sarah McGuinness, Australia
  • Sun Safety – Scott Norton, United States of America
  • Animal Bites – David Shlim, United States of America

Dengue – The Next Decade

  • Evolving Global Epidemiology – Ralph Huits, The Netherlands
  • Aedes Vectors, Climate Change, and Modern Control Methods – Kristy Murray, United States of America
  • Dengue Vaccines – Annelies WIlder-Smith, Switzerland

Innovative Vaccination Schemes 

  • Japanese Encephalitis – Susan Hills, United States of America
  • Tick-Borne Encephalitis – Urseula Kunze, Austria
  • Rabies  – Patrick Soentjens, Belgium
  • Yellow Fever – Leo Visser, The Netherlands

Hot, Cold and Deep 

  •  Heat Illness – Caroline Finch, Australia
  •  Cold Illness – Scott McIntosh, United States of America
  •  Diving – Jean-Eric Blatteau, France

Tick-Borne Infections – Don’t Let it Get Under you Skin 

  • Tick-Borne Encephalitis – Rahel Ackerman, Switzerland
  • Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome – Takeshi Tanaka, Japan
  • Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever – Maria Paz Sanchez-Seco, Spain
  • Tick-Borne Rickettsia – Daniel Paris, Switzerland

Global Spread of Emerging Infectious Diseases

  • Europe – Alexia Anagnostopoulos, Switzerland
  • South and Southeast Asia – Priscilla Rupali, India
  • Americas – David Freedman, United States of America


Medical emergencies During Travel

  • Susan Anderson, United States of America 
  • Mathieu Potin, Switzerland 

Tropical Diseases in South America: Case Discussions from the Gorgas Course

  • Sapha Barkati, Canada 
  • Carlos Seas, Peru 

Challenging Topics in Migrant Health

  • North American Perspective – Nancy Jenks, United States of America  
  • Mediterranean Perspective – Androula Pavli, Greece 

Nurses in Travel Health Practice

  • Skills and Training – Sandra Grieve, United Kingdom  
  • Competency Frameworks and Accreditation – Catherine Keil, Australia 

Military Travel – An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

  • Opthalmological Emergencies – Jean-Marie Giraud, France  
  • Dental Emergencies – Alexander Schramm, Germany 

Medical Kits for Expedition and Adventure Travel 

  • Howard Backer, United States of America  
  •  Jenny Visser, New Zealand  

ABC Workshop: Travel Vaccines

  • Lin Chen, United States of America 
  • Jane Chiodini, United Kingdom  


Prevention of Altitude Illness


  • Ed Ryan, United States of America


  • Shigeyuki Kano, Japan
  • Michael Libman, Canada
  • Dipti Patel, United Kingdom
  • Natalia Rodriguez, Spain
  • Deb Mills, Australia
  • Olivia Veit, Switzerland

COVID-19 Border Closures and Quarantine Mandates


Rebecca Acosta, United States of America


  • Fabrice Althaus, Europe
  • Kyle Petersen, United States of America
  • Jenny Sisson, Australia
  • Madeline Wilks, United States of America

Panel Discussion

Limited Malaria Risk Scenarios – Strategies and Recommendations


  • Ed Ryan, United States of America


  • Shigeyuki Kano, Japan
  • Michael Libman, Canada
  • Dipti Patel, United Kingdom
  • Natalia Rodriguez, Spain
  • Deb Mills, Australia
  • Olivia Veit, Switzerland